

There is only one topic in the Serbian Assembly – a face-off with dissidents of the President of Serbia. In the new episode of #CoupletChorusRebuttals hear how the MPs from the list “Aleksandar Vučić – for our children” easily brought back the hate speech from the 1990s to the Assembly.

Regardless of what is on the agenda, there is only one topic in the Serbian Assembly – a face-off with the media, politicians or actors who express any criticism of the policy of the President of Serbia. Let’s hear how the MPs from the list “Aleksandar Vučić – for our children” easily brought back the hate speech from the 1990s to the Assembly while discussing the financial plans of independent bodies. 

“As a matter of fact, TV stations N1 and Nova S do not pay taxes on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. Therefore, they suck money from our citizens, prevent further progress through the construction of roads, hospitals, kindergartens. The owner of these televisions is the thief and tycoon Dragan Đilas.”

“And the REM does not react, it keeps quiet. Why are you doing this, gentlemen? What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that you will be crucified there, on those televisions? Well, I do enjoy being talked about. It’s an honour to be attacked on ‘N1’ and ‘Nova S’. It’s like being decorated.”

“Here, the last article that’s appeared today on the anti-Serbian page of a newspaper, in fact on ‘N1’ television station – the Great Assembly Stable - this National Assembly - has become a battlefield in which ridiculous clowns - and these are MPs, representatives of Serbian citizens - dangerous halfwits, threnodists and incomplete creatures defend their creator from assassination. The REM does not react to something like that. Those independent media ‘N1’ and ‘Nova S’, anti-Serb media… There is not a bit of independence, and only one sentence can describe them – domestic traitor and foreign mercenary.“ 

“Because those televisions are presented to the public as media, but are in fact only political opponents of the Serbian Progressive Party.“

“I can only see that certain people are already racing and bidding on how many bullets in the back President Vučić will end up with. And so that auction will go on and on, probably until someone makes the biggest bid on the number of bullets in order to probably become the leader of that opposition.“ 

“Well, Dragan Đilas has created all this climate in the Republic of Serbia. How? Dragan Đilas is the ‘Big Brother’ of all financial frauds in the Republic of Serbia.“

“I have nothing to say about Bjelogrlić,  but he is a man without a shred of morality and shame, because if he had at least a little morality, he would fulfil the promise he gave to the citizens of the Republic of Serbia, when he said he would leave the Republic of Serbia if the ‘One in Five Million’ protests failed. Dear citizens, the protests have failed, so I’m inviting him to fulfil his promise.”

“I don’t know who the hero from Dragan Đilas’s childhood is. For me, it is Branko Kockica, but for him, it must be the haughty wealthy man Scrooge McDuck or someone like him, so he has probably had that complex from his early childhood to amass all these millions.“

For the Open Parliament, Mirjana Nikolić.

Poslednji put ažurirano: 26.03.2021, 21:53