

Hear about the best Minister of Finance, higher salaries and Djilas who melted the weapons of our grandfathers in the new episode of #CoupletChorusRebuttals.


We will have the smallest drop in GDP in Europe this year, the biggest economic growth next year, we will increase pensions, as well as salaries in the public sector and invest more than ever in roads and railways; and the construction of the subway will commence. And of new hospitals. And we will take care of the environment and attract more foreign investments. This is, in short, the plan of the Budget for 2021, which was presented to the MPs by the Minister of Finance Siniša Mali.

“A few years ago, President Vučić promised that the average salary in the Republic of Serbia would be 500 euros in December last year. We have fulfilled that promise, let’s move on, we should reach 900 euros by the end of 2025.“

Doubts that the budget may be unrealistic and that salaries will then grow faster than the economy were expressed by the Fiscal Council at the board meeting, the day before, but those criticisms were vehemently rejected, and the president of that institution was characterised as an opposition spokesman. In the plenum itself, one could hear mostly praises from members of the ruling coalition – Marko Atlagić, Emeše Uri, Milorad Mijatović, and Janko Langura. 

“Mr. Minister Mali, whatever they may say, for me, you have been the best Minister of Finance in the last 20 years, I do not have time to explain.”

“The Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians will support the Budget Bill for 2021, because it is the best, it is the best possible distribution of existing funds“.

 “This budget is good, this budget is realistic, it is stable, it represents continuity and, what is most important, it’s what you’ve just said, it is maintaining citizens’ standards of living.“

“When it comes to the Budget, I really don't know what to add that my colleagues haven’t already mentioned, except, of course, words of praise for the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Minister Siniša Mali and, of course, Prime Minister Ana Brnabić and President Aleksandar Vučić.“

When they did not praise the Government, the President and the Minister, the MPs talked about rivals from the non-parliamentary opposition. This time, we will single out Ana Čarapić, Milan Savić and the reaction of the chairperson Vladimir Orlić.

“While Dragan Đilas melted the weapons of our fathers and grandfathers, Aleksandar Vučić and the Serbian Progressive Party are equipping the army with the most modern equipment. During the time of Dragan Đilas, only those suffering from two rare diseases could be treated abroad, while during the time of Aleksandar Vučić, as many as 22 rare diseases can be treated abroad.“

“Let me remind you that by 2012, almost three billion euros went to the area of Kosovo and Metohija from the budget of Serbia. Now, from this stand, I am asking Dragan Đilas and his local partners in Kosovo and Metohija, and I’m not referring to those partners from Priština with whom he has one goal in common, and that is the overthrow of Aleksandar Vučić, his assassination and killing of his family. How many schools could have been built with that money, how many roads, how many hospitals?”

“I wish to thank the MP Milan Savić and I’m joining the applause.” 

For the Open Parliament, Mirjana Nikolić.

Poslednji put ažurirano: 26.03.2021, 21:53