

The Serbian Parliament always discusses the topic of the sitting, the official one for a while, and then the given one. When, for example, several good international agreements are on the agenda – someone all of a sudden takes a trip down memory lane and remembers that in ancient times, the current leader of the People’s Party, Vuk Jeremić, was the head of diplomacy. And here comes the (off)-topic discussion.

“Let’s just remember only one extremely reckless harmful initiative launched by Vuk Jeremić before the International Court of Justice in The Hague, which caused great damage to our country.“

“Incidentally, they didn’t give a darn about ‘Torlak’ nor for state and national interests. Vuk Jeremić proved this best through his political activities, when he raised that catastrophic issue before the International Court of Justice in The Hague and caused us the greatest damage on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. While he was dealing with politics in Serbia, a border was established between Serbs and Serbs in Jarinje and Brnjak.“

“I can freely say that this man sank our diplomacy to the level of the most ordinary playschool, a kindergarten. I will intentionally use that expression and I will repeat, kindergarten. Why? Well, we all remember an unfortunate, possibly even clumsy, and surely a malicious, question that Vuk Jeremić asked the International Court of Justice regarding the independence of Kosovo and Metohija. That question ruined us.“

If the Speaker tolerated this topic as an element of foreign policy, why wouldn’t the thesis that an independent judiciary does not suit the opposition fit into the topic of election of new judges?

“Not only did they slaughter the judiciary, but they also created a yellow tycoon company led by Dragan Đilas, Vuk Jeremić, Tadić. They caused damage, and that damage amounted, in fact, to 45 million euros.” 

“Gentlemen, nowadays the judiciary is independent and objective. Today, it depends exclusively on the Constitution and the law, and not on your political programme and on the political ideology of Boris Tadić, Dragan Đilas, Snežana Malović and others who sat in the DS.” 

“My dear judges, you who are not challenged, you who will be elected, you ought to know that you  shouldn’t be afraid of Đilas. The law should not be a cobweb, as they say, through which large flies and bumblebees, such as Đilas, crawl, and only small ones get punished. You should not be afraid to judge only because Đilas and Jeremić are threatening that they’ll bring to trial all political opponents, including the media, which they will supposedly free.“

And when it comes to the independent judiciary, the election of as many as 13 judges was disputed according to a tried-and-tested recipe. The Serbian Progressive Party MP Jelena Žarić Kovačević read their names without uttering a word of explanation, and in the end, they were not elected.

For the Open Parliament, Mirjana Nikolić.

Poslednji put ažurirano: 10.05.2021, 07:23