

The election of the Republic Public Prosecutor in the Assembly was merged with three other items on the agenda, hence the twelve-year mandate of Zagorka Dolovac was discussed with the election of court presidents and the amendment to two more laws. Those who spoke about her had only words of praise, without any specific case to point to as an example. In addition, MPs seem to see a remarkable proof of their democratic orientation as they re-elected a person who “was also good to those before“.


”We just want to say that Ms. Dolovac was the only candidate, simply because none of the other prosecutors applied to take her place. Nobody had the guts to take over the fight against crime in Serbia, and that should be clearly stated.”

“Zagorka Dolovac was the best in 2010, when Đilas and the like with their crew were in power. Today, she’s the worst to them.  To us from the United Serbia, Zagorka Dolovac was good then and now, as we do not interfere with her work.“

“I am convinced that in her third term, Ms. Dolovac will make an even greater and even more significant personal contribution to the improvement of the public prosecutor’s office and the position of the public prosecutor’s organisation in the entire system of the Republic of Serbia governing.“

”Zagorka Dolovac is the only candidate for this position. Her résumé is really impressive and she was not elected to this responsible position twice without a reason. The best indicator of that is that during her election in 2015, the opposition also voted for her re-election, and now those who used to support her use the media space every day to criticise her work.“

We should just add to all of this the fact that until just a few years ago, Ms. Dolovac was an extraordinary asset for them. In the same plenum, a few years ago, Borko Stefanović praised her, and today he is her sharpest critic.“

“As for Ms. Dolovac’s election, I have absolutely nothing against it. She was so esteemed in the time of DOS and DS; you praised her so much. Now that we’re supposed to elect the woman, all of a sudden she’s no good. How is it possible? Just because the SNS re-elects her. We don’t choose people. We have nothing to do [with it]. These are the proposals of the High Judicial Council, specifically for her, republic public prosecutors.”


Another novelty was noted at this session. Jelena Žarić Kovačević challenged again the election of four candidates for court presidents. Only this time she did give an explanation.


There are serious information that says that these candidates [whose résumés] I read do not meet the basic conditions or criteria for election to the position of a court president, that there are details in their careers that prevent us, as I said, from supporting them. I would like to take a look at a contact with the citizens, because, believe me, very often they have something to tell us, and they voted for the political parties that delegated us here.“


Are these citizens members of the Serbian Progressive Party, did they have personal conflicts with judges, have their allegations been verified… there was no one to ask.


For the Open Parliament, Mirjana Nikolić.

Poslednji put ažurirano: 26.07.2021, 07:53