
Saznajte šta se dešava u Narodnoj skupštini - na koji način poslanici predstavljaju interese građana i na koji način usvojeni akti utiču na različite oblasti života građana.

Ivica Dačić sazvao Petu sednicu Drugog redovnog zasedanja Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije u 2021. godini


Predsednik Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije Ivica Dačić sazvao je Petu sednicu Drugog redovnog zasedanja Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije u 2021. godini, za sredu, 27. oktobar 2021. godine, sa početkom u 11.30 časova.

Za ovu sednicu predložen je sledeći dnevni red:

1. Predlog odluke o obrazovanju Komisije za etiku, koji je podneo Odbor za administrativno-budžetska i mandatno-imunitetska pitanja

Sednica će se održati u Velikoj sali Doma Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije u Beogradu, Trg Nikole Pašića broj 13.



Whenever the Minister of the Interior, Aleksandar Vulin, comes to the Assembly, he fulfils the expectations of the MPs and they return the favour. A layer of the Serbian world, a layer of divisions on a national basis with the obligatory remark that this is not the intention, a layer of admiration for the President Aleksandar Vučić.



On such a day, when five international agreements were on the agenda, notions bearing the adjective Serbian were mentioned 158 times; and Vučić was praised 90 times.


“If you are referring to the Serbian world, I firmly believe that the creation of the Serbian world as a unique political nation is an essential need of Serbs and there is no threat in that.”

“Usually, those who have not finished ethnic cleansing have a problem with the Serbian world, so even those 4% of Serbs bother them. They usually have a problem with the Serbian world. The Serbian world is my idea, it is not the idea of the Government of the Republic of Serbia. The Parliament of the Republic of Serbia has never declared itself on it, it has never voted on anything like that.”

“You could have been more creative when giving a name. You copied that from Turkey. Turkey is the first country to officially choose the term Turkish world, and they even have a Ministry for the Turkish world. I don’t know why you are fascinated by Turkey.“

“You know what happened when President Vučić went to pay tribute in Srebrenica, and when Izetbegović came to Belgrade, he went for a walk down Knez Mihailova Street, no one said an ugly word to him.”

“Every day and with every move we make, we try to contribute to the international reputation of Serbia and the preservation of peace and stability in the region. This is probably why you have been a political partner of both Aleksandar Vučić and the SNS for years.“

“I cannot but congratulate the representatives of the Serbian List on a convincing victory in the October 17th elections in Kosovo and Metohija, and these elections have shown that Serbs are united when they are found in the most difficult situation, and that they believe in the policy of the Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić.”

“On the one hand, you have thieves, fraudsters, layabouts with bank accounts in Mauritius and in another 56 countries, led by Dragan Đilas and Vuk Jeremić, on the other you have you have a majority Serbia, normal people, who live from their work and who are led by Aleksandar Vučić.”


At such sessions, the fact that the non-parliamentary opposition was mentioned in a negative tone only about 70 times can be presented as progress.


For the Open Parliament, Mirjana Nikolić

Predsednik Narodne skupštine Ivica Dačić sazvao 46. sastanak Kolegijuma Narodne skupštine


Predsednik Narodne skupštine Ivica Dačić sazvao je 46. sastanak Kolegijuma Narodne skupštine Dvanaestog saziva za utorak, 26. oktobar 2021. godine, sa početkom u 9 časova.

Na dnevnom redu Kolegijuma će biti informisanje o radu Narodne skupštine.
Sastanak će se održati u Domu Narodne skupštine, Trg Nikole Pašića br.13, u sali 1.

Strofa refren replika E84: Vulinov srpski svet


Kad god u skupštinu dođe ministar unutrašnjih poslova Aleksandar Vulin, on ispuni očekivanja poslanika, a i oni njegova. Red srpskog sveta, red podela po nacionalnoj osnovi uz obaveznu napomenu da to nije namera, red divljenja predsedniku Aleksandru Vučiću.



U takvom jednom danu kada je na dnevnom redu bilo pet međunarodnih sporazuma, u raspravi je bilo šta što nosi pridev srpsko, pomenuto 158 puta, a Vučić je pohvaljen 90 puta.


“Ako mislite na srpski svet, ja čvrsto verujem da je stvaranje srpskog sveta kao jedinstvenog političkog naroda nasušna potreba Srba i u tome nema pretnje.”

“Obično sa srpskim svetom imaju problem oni koji nisu završili etničko čišćenje, pa im i tih 4 odsto Srba smeta. Obično ti imaju problem sa srpskim svetom. Srpski svet je moja ideja, nije ideja Vlade Republike Srbije. Parlament Republike Srbije se nikad nije izjašnjavao o njemu, nikad nije glasao ni o čemu sličnom.”

“Mogli  ste biti kreativniji kada ste davali ime. To ste prepisali od Turske. Turska je prva koja je i zvanično odabrala pojam turski svet i imaju čak i Ministarstvo za turski svet. Ne znam što ste fascinirani Turskom. “

“Znate kada je bio predsednik Vučić da oda počast u Srebrenici, kako je prošao, a kada je došao Izetbegović u Beograd, šetao je Knez Mihajlovom, niko mu nije ružnu reč dobacio.”

“Svakog dana i svakim potezom pokušavamo doprineti međunarodnom ugledu Srbije i očuvanju mira i stabilnosti u regionu. Verovatno ste zato i vi već godinama politički partner i Aleksandra Vučića i SNS. “

“Ne mogu a da ne čestitam predstavnicima Srpske liste na ubedljivoj pobedi, na izborima 17. oktobra na Kosovu i Metohiji i ovi izbori su pokazali da su Srbi jedinstveni kada im je najteže, da veruju u politiku predsednika Srbije Aleksandra Vučića.”

“S jedne strane, imate lopove, prevarante, lezijedoviće sa računima na Mauriciju i još 56 zemalja, koje predvodi Dragan Đilas i Vuk Jeremić, a na drugoj strani imate većinsku Srbiju, normalnih ljudi, koji žive od svog rada i koje predvodi Aleksandar Vučić.”


Na ovakvim sednicama kao napredak se može izneti podatak da je  vanparlamentarna opozicija u negativnom tonu pomenuta tek oko 70 puta.


Za Otvoreni parlament Mirjana Nikolić

Ivica Dačić sazvao Četvrtu sednicu Drugog redovnog zasedanja Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije u 2021. godini


Predsednik Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije Ivica Dačić sazvao je Četvrtu sednicu Drugog redovnog zasedanja Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije u 2021. godini, za utorak, 26. oktobar 2021. godine, sa početkom u 10.00 časova.

Za ovu sednicu predložen je sledeći dnevni red:

1. Predlog zakona o Zaštitniku građana, koji je podnela Vlada;

2. Predlog zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o slobodnom pristupu informacijama od javnog značaja, koji je podnela Vlada;

3. Predlog zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o postupku registracije u Agenciji za privredne registre, koji je podnela Vlada;

4. Predlog zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o Centralnoj evidenciji stvarnih vlasnika, koji je podnela Vlada;

5. Predlog zakona o potvrđivanju Ugovora o garanciji (Pametna brojila) između Republike Srbije i Evropske banke za obnovu i razvoj, koji je podnela Vlada;

6. Predlog odluke o dopuni Odluke o prestanku funkcije i imenovanju u Republičku izbornu komisiju, koju je podneo narodni poslanik Samir Tandir, predsednik Poslaničke grupe „STRANKA PRAVDE I POMIRENjA SPP - UJEDINjENA SELjAČKA STRANKA USS“ i

7. Predlog odluke o izmenama Odluke o izboru članova i zamenika članova odbora Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije, koji je podnela Poslanička grupa SOCIJALISTIČKA PARTIJA SRBIJE (SPS).

Sednica će se održati u velikoj sali Doma Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije u Beogradu, Trg Nikole Pašića broj 13.



In Kosovo, tear gas, shootings, injuries; in Raška, a meeting of Kosovo Serbs with the state leadership and a promise that Serbia will “be with its people”. One might have expected MPs to interrupt the debate on judges on such a day and demand an emergency session on Kosovo, but that did not happen.



Again, they did want to react, but by the end of the day they could not decide whether it was more important for them to defend Kosovo or to attack opposition leaders. The most creative was an MP who called attention to a violation of the Rules of Procedure because of Kosovo.



“Violation of the Rules of Procedure, dignity of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia. I do not think that you or the previous speaker did that, but what is happening today in the area of North Kosovska Mitrovica is certainly a violation of dignity and the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.”


If you bought this, then you will buy everything!


“[…] I must call on the representatives of the international community, the European Union and KFOR to finally tame Albin Kurti’s insane policy in Kosovo and Metohija, and to stabilise a situation that is more than dramatic.”

“That should be put to an end, because it is pure discrimination on the basis of ethnicity and the grossest possible way of endangering the lives of Serbs living in the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija. I must also look back to the period until 2012, when the ‘yellow tycoon enterprise’, led by Đilas, Jeremić, Tadić, carried out the most shameful judicial reform in the history of the judiciary.”

“Now those same hordes that ravaged the beleaguered citizens of Serbia attack like hyenas again through their tycoon media, through [voices of] Marinika from Moravić, as well as the liar Aleksić, a proven expert in devastation and robbery, Vuk Jeremić, a collector of precious drinks and money, wallowing in their hatred of President Aleksandar Vučić and his family, and have no mercy.” 

“Their goal is to attack the state and they are simply urging Kosovo’s recognition, Bosnia’s unitarism… If only someone let them change the government by force”.

“In relation to today’s events on the territory of our southern province of Kosovo and Metohija, I will only mention that Judge Majić has a certain responsibility, a moral one, if nothing else”.


When the culprits were identified and the matter was settled, the Assembly’s position on the Kosovo problem was reduced to a single sentence.


“First of all, I would like to give support to our President Aleksandar Vučić in calming down the situation in Kosovo as much as possible and seeing it in the way that only statesmen can see it and not making a move that could cost us enormously.”


Come hell or high water, the MPs will be informed about the moves of the statesman later.


For the Open Parliament, Mirjana Nikolić.

Strofa refren replika E83: O Kosovu samo državnički


Na Kosovu suzavac, pucnjava, povređeni, u Raški sastanak kosovskih Srba sa državnim vrhom i obećanje da će Srbija „biti uz svoj narod“. Možda bi neko očekivao da će poslanici u takvom danu prekinuti raspravu o sudijama i zahtevati hitnu sednicu o Kosovu, ali to se nije desilo.



Opet, hteli su da reaguju, ali do kraja dana nisu mogli da se odluče da li im je važnije da brane Kosovo ili da napadaju opozicione lidere. Najkreativniji je bio poslanik koji je zbog Kosova tražio povredu poslovnika.


Povreda Poslovnika, dostojanstvo Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije. Ne mislim da ste to učinili vi, niti prethodni govornik, ali ono što se danas dešava na prostoru severne Kosovske Mitrovice je svakako narušavanje dostojanstva i Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije.”


E pošto ovo može, onda sve može.


Moram sa ovog mesta da pozovem predstavnike međunarodne zajednice, Evropske unije i KFOR-a da konačno obuzdaju ludačku politiku Aljbina Kurtija na Kosovu i Metohiji, da stabilizuju situaciju koja je više nego dramatična.”

Na to to treba da se stavi tačka, jer to je diskriminacija čista po osnovu nacionalnosti i najgrublji mogući način ugrožavanje života Srba koji u AP Kosovo i Metohija žive. Moram da se osvrnem i na period do 2012. godine kada je žuto tajkunsko preduzeće, predvođeno Đilasom, Jeremićem, Tadićem, sprovelo najsramniju reformu pravosuđa u istoriji pravosuđa.”

Sada te iste horde koje su pustošile napaćene građane Srbije opet putem svojih tajkunskih medija, svojom Marinikom iz Moravića, kao i lažovom Aleksićem, dokazanim ekspertom u devastaciji i pljački, Vukom Ho Jeremićem, kolekcionarom skupocenih pića i novca, ozlojeđeni u svojoj mržnji prema predsedniku Aleksandru Vučiću i njegovoj porodici, kao hijene napadaju i nemaju milosti.”


Njima je cilj napad na državu i oni se naprosto nutkaju da priznaju Kosovo, da unitarizuju Bosnu, samo da im neko dozvoli da nasilno promene vlast”.

Ja ću samo da spomenem, a vezano za današnje dešavanje na teritoriji naše južne Pokrajine Kosovo i Metohije, da sudija Majić ima određenu odgovornost, ako ne neku drugu, onda bar moralnu”.


Kad su ustanovili krivce i kad je stvar prenoćila, stav skupštine prema problemu Kosova stao je u jednu rečenicu.


Najpre želim da uputim podršku našem predsedniku Aleksandru Vučiću u činjenju da situaciju koliko je moguće na Kosovu smiri i sagleda onako kako to državnici mogu da sagledaju i ne napravi neki potez koji može da nas skupo košta.”


Koliko god da košta, poslanici će o potezima državnika biti obavešteni naknadno.


Za Otvoreni parlament Mirjana Nikolić.

Predsednik Ivica Dačić sazvao Četrdesetčetvrti sastanak Kolegijuma Narodne skupštine


Predsednik Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije Ivica Dačić sazvao je Četrdesetčetvrti redovni sastanak Kolegijuma Narodne skupštine Dvanaestog saziva za sredu, 13. oktobar 2021. godine, sa početkom u 9.15 časova.

Na dnevnom redu Kolegijuma će biti informisanje o radu Narodne skupštine.
Sastanak će se održati u Domu Narodne skupštine, Trg Nikole Pašića br.13, u sali 1.

Ivica Dačić sazvao Treću sednicu Drugog redovnog zasedanja Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije u 2021. godini


Predsednik Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije Ivica Dačić sazvao je Treću sednicu Drugog redovnog zasedanja Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije u 2021. godini, za utorak, 19. oktobar 2021. godine, sa početkom u 10.00 časova.

Za ovu sednicu predložen je sledeći dnevni red:

1. Predlog zakona o potvrđivanju Sporazuma između Vlade Republike Srbije i Saveta ministara Bosne i Hercegovine o zajedničkim lokacijama na graničnim prelazima;

2. Predlog zakona o potvrđivanju Sporazuma između Vlade Republike Srbije i Saveta ministara Bosne i Hercegovine o graničnim prelazima;

3. Predlog zakona o potvrđivanju Memoranduma o razumevanju o vojnoj saradnji između Vlade Republike Srbije koju predstavlja Ministarstvo odbrane i Vlade Arapske Republike Egipat koju predstavlja Ministarstvo odbrane;

4. Predlog zakona o potvrđivanju Sporazuma između Vlade Republike Srbije i Saveta ministara Bosne i Hercegovine o pograničnom saobraćaju i

5. Predlog zakona o potvrđivanju Sporazuma između Vlade Republike Srbije i Vlade Republike Austrije o saradnji u oblasti zaštite od katastrofa.

Sednica će se održati u velikoj sali Doma Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije u Beogradu, Trg Nikole Pašića broj 13.



The Minister competent for the environment, did not show much interest in the Law on Environmental Noise Protection, so she spoke only at the beginning for barely six minutes and at the end, when she thanked everyone for the discussion. The MPs did not mind. They were very inspired to talk about both the Law and the Minister.



“It has been more accurately defined what the environmental noise is. The list of noise sources has been expanded, as well as the [list of] authorities competent in the development of strategic noise maps and action plans. Also, this Bill regulates the matter of noise protection, protection measures and conditions, access to information about noise, oversight and other issues of importance for environmental protection and human health.“

“When a person lives in a peaceful environment, only then can their body, their mind, and their soul feel completely normal, only then can they function normally… That is what the natural environment means to all three elements of human structure.“

“By nature of work, I also encountered one citizen […] and when we talked about the Law on Environmental Noise Protection, he understood that the Law was being drafted and he presented his personal problem. He came to me and asked – what about the lovemaking noise.”

“One of the first negative effects of noise was observed in ancient China and with […] ingenious Chinese people. In 211 B.C. they used to punish people by noise. There is a letter from a certain Ming Tia, the chief of police, who says – whoever insults the most dignitary one, will not be hung, he will not be beheaded, but flute and drums players, and rowdies will play flawlessly until he drops dead.“

“Your Ministry and you, dear Minister, since you have been the head of the Ministry, have done a lot for the matter of environmental protection. Do not pay attention to the attacks of representatives of the former mafia-tycoon cartel, when they accuse you of not putting the topic of environmental protection in the place where it should be today.”


Together with the praise of the ministers and the Prime Minister, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, was mentioned 95 times in one day. Most often as a victim of attacks launched by non-parliamentary opposition.


For the Open Parliament, Mirjana Nikolić.